Guidelines of the Journal
Operational Regulation of Journal Editorial Committee
2022.06 Enactment
Section 1. Purpose
The purpose of this regulation shall stipulate the operation and composition details for the Journal Editorial Committee (JEC) established by the Articles xx and the Operational Provision xx of the Korea Institute of Bridge and Structural Engineers (KIBSE).
Section 2. Composition
1. The chairperson and vice-chairperson of the JEC shall be appointed among the member of Board of Directors by the President of the KIBSE after a resolution of the Board of Directors.
2. The nomination of vice-chairperson, secretary and committee members of the JEC shall be subjected to the Operational Provision 12 of the KIBSE.
3. The number of committee members of the JEC shall be composed of:
① chairperson: 1 person
② vice-chairperson: no more than 2 people
③ secretary: 2 people
④ committee member: less than or equal to 10 people for each subcommittee (2 subcommittees) and about 10 overseas members
⑤ adviser: no more than 5 (prominent scholars from abroad)
4. The eligibility of members of the JEC shall be doctor's degree or equivalent qualifications for a bona fide member of the KIBSE. Non-members are also appointed only if they are overseas scholars.
Section 3. Role
The JEC shall charge affairs of the committee in accordance with the section 4 of the Operational Provision 9 of KIBSE.
Section 4. Meeting
1. The chairperson of the JEC shall convene the meeting and resolution shall be made with the attendance of a majority of the incumbent committee members and the majority agreement of the members present.
2. Committee members can delegate the attendance, but not with voting rights.
3. In the event of the absence of the chairperson, the vice-chairperson or secretary member shall act on behalf of the chairperson in the order of the oldest until a successor chairperson is appointed.
Section 5. Subcommittee Establishment
1. Subcommittee shall be established by resolution of the JEC.
2. The composition and operation of subcommittees shall be subjected to the agreement of the JEC.
Section 6. Journal Publication
1. The journal of the KIBSE shall be published four times a year, on the last day of the month. A special issue shall be published under the resolution of the JEC.
Section 7. Serving Term
1. Serving term of chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary and committee members of the JEC shall be two years in accordance with Operational Provision 12.
2. Committee members may be replaced each year within the limit of not more than 1/2 of the total number of members in order to maintain the continuity of editorial work.
Section 8. Duties of Committee Members
1. Chairperson
1) Oversees the work of the JEC.
2) Classifies the field of expertise and requests the paper review by three reviewers.
2. Vice-chairperson
1) Assists the chairperson in the work.
2) Acts on behalf of the chairperson in the absence of the chairperson.
3. Secretary
1) Requests the relevant subcommittee members to recommend the paper reviewers after classifying the submitted papers, and submits the list of reviewers to the chairperson.
2) Is responsible for preliminary review, for each subcommittee, to confirm whether the submitted paper complies with the submission guidelines.
Section 9. Copyright
The KIBSE retains the copyright for the published papers including all-types of processed and/or electronic version originated from the paper.
Section 10. Submission Fee
Submitter shall pay the publication fee of KRW 120,000 and a page excess fee if any. The standard number of pages is 8 and the maximum number of pages is 12. If the paper exceeds 8 pages, an additional page excess fee shall be paid KRW 20,000 per page.
Section 11. Editorial Expenses
1. Reviewers shall be paid KRW 20,000 per review paper, except at the time of retrial.
2. The JEC members shall be paid for transportation expenses in the presence of the editorial meeting.
Section 13. Miscellaneous
The JEC shall resolve matters outside of this regulation and enactment and amendment of this regulation.
Section 14. Amendment
This regulation shall be amended with the approval of the Board of Directors requested by the resolution of the JEC.
Addendum (Enforcement Date)
This regulation is effective from the date of resolution by the Board of Directors.